Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dispatch 1

Dispatch 1

Notes from the Hoh Rain Forest

Location: A beach on the Northwest coast of Washington State.

Greetings Fellow Adventurers!

I am writing this dispatch to you with the Pacific Ocean crashing twenty five feet from where I am sitting. The roar of the breaking surf is punctuated only by the call of gulls and my growling belly. I think my belly wants a Hostess chocolate cupcake.

Much like Lewis and Clark, we call our expedition the Corps of Desserts instead of Discovery. We are tasked with mapping every bakery and coffee house between Idaho and the great Pacific. Like Lewie and Clark, our journey has been fraught with disappointment (weak coffee) and great vistas (a pastry bar in Port Townsend.)

Our reward is the knowledge that other culinary pioneers will follow in our tracks, snacking and drinking their way to these rustic settlements where they will clear the land, build new restaurants and raise families.

Tonight we find ourselves camped beyond La Push in the primeval Hoh Rainforest, a scant mile or so from the beach. L&C wintered not far from here and like us they too were running short of brioche' and brie. But we are cut from the same hearty, American stock and shall suffer these and other deprivations with stoic solemnity. I thank heaven that MR had the forethought to trade a Jane Austin novel for two bottles of super crunchy peanut butter from our Indian brothers back in La Push.

We find ourselves at the midpoint of our journey and will begin moving South tomorrow mapping and grazing as we go. In a week or so we shall return to ample bosoms of our friends and family a bit more obese but satisfied in the knowledge that our efforts have blazed a path for others to follow. I say, “Manifest Destiny,” which loosely translates to, “Consume it ALL!”

I hope this dispatch finds you and yours well fed and happy. Over and out.
-Old Trout.