Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dispatch 27

Field Notes - Dispatch 27 – Rose Cottage, Idaho
Monday, December 21, 2015

Greetings Fellow Adventurers!

As I write these words I am lounging in front of the ancestral hearth, with the fire flickering, a cocoa mug in hand and a howling snow storm just outside the window. Severe winter storm warnings are just part of Christmas in this neck of the woods and who would want it any other way? Doesn’t everyone dream of risking their life in a blizzard just to go purchase a carton of eggnog?

Our snow leopard (house cat) just came in looking like a small, mobile mound of frost crystals from the North Pole. The poor thing is so cold she cannot even meow. The cat just curled up next to MR who is wrapping presents in the living room. MR does not like to wrap presents but does it each year. I tried to help once but present wrapping is a precision skill which I do not possess. My presents look like the packages of pork chops the local butcher rolls in white paper--functional but far from festive.

An unusual development this winter is that we have icicles hanging over the back door for the first time. They are long deadly things tapering to needle points. I risk being impaled from above every morning when I open the back door. There is nothing like ten pounds of sharp ice cascading past your skull to wake you up and foster a deep appreciation for still being alive. This pretty much happens every AM when we go to the gym. If I could remember I would send MR out first.

Well, the point of this message is to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you all for the wonderful times we have had together over the past year. I have heard that travel and adventures makes a person wiser but MR assures me this is not the case for all people. I am not sure what she meant by that statement. Interestingly, not long after we chatted I noticed she took a bucket of cold water outside to toss up on the roof over the back door. Makes a person wonder.

Anyway, I hope you are all well and having some winter adventures of your own.

Over and out.

Your consummate fly fishing pal,
- Old Trout