Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dispatch 16

Field Notes - Dispatch 16 – Moab, Utah – slick-rock bike area – Rommel's Desert Sand Camp
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Hello Fellow Adventurers!
The first rule of a safari is don't poison yourself. Well, really, that is the second rule. The first rule is no drunken shenanigans with firearms as my pal Stubs can attest. Let me give you an the poison rule.
We have been hiking or biking everyday for coming up on two weeks. I am exhausted but MR, like the Energizer Bunny, just keeps on going. Yesterday she guides us into the Fisher Towers formation to see the Titan, a 900 foot tall sandstone spire, the largest in the world. But that is a death march saga for another dispatch.
Finally we survived that hike and made it back to town where MR wants to immediately go to the visitors center to see her Nat. Park back country buddies and plan another adventure excursion for the following day. God help me. So while she is busy doing that I wander across the street to a hippie juice bar to find something refreshing. I discover the strawberry banana – organic pear smoothie and order the large 32 oz size because I deserve it. The hippie girl taking my money raises an eyebrow but I just figure she thinks I'm cute and I flash my wedding band so she knows I have already been scooped up and she is out of luck. Surprisingly she did not seem particularly disappointed.
So I am reading the newspaper and about thirty minutes later MR bounces in and is all bubbly about the trip she has outlined for the following day; a trip almost guaranteed to cripple me. She then asks what I had to drink and I tell her. She look at the menu board and says, “You idiot, that says organic PURGE, not PEAR!” At at that very moment my innards started gurgling like a set of old steam pipes.
I will spare you the unpleasant details but over the next six hours I pretty much evacuated everything from my brain stem down. I did not know what a hippie health cleansing was but I sure do now. Turns out 32 ounces is about enough to do an African rhinoceros and is usually administered only under a vet's careful supervision. Damn hippies anyway!
Well, I am better day and feel refreshed in so many ways. We are off for another adventure and will return home in the next few days if I am lucky.
Over and out for now.
Your rejuvenated pal,
Old Trout