Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dispatch 2

Field Notes - Dispatch 2 – Palm Desert

Hello Fellow Adventurers!

This is quick wire to complain about my fellow adventurer and safari guide MR. Yesterday instead of lounging about the pool and napping I was forced to plant flowers along the patio for all to enjoy. I do not include myself in the “all.” I do not think that a lazy fellow such as myself should be pressed into packing very large bags of potting mix and flats of flowers. I can imagine you all nodding your heads in agreement as I jot these words down.

I would appreciate it if you would message MR and tell her to take it easy on me. You might point out the risk of sun stroke. If we all make a concerted effort we can put a stop to this nonsense right now!

PS. If you would like to se photo of the polo match and other snaps you can visit...