Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dispatch 1.b

Dispatch 1.b

Notes from the slick rocks.

Hello Fellow Adventurers!

I write this to you sitting on red sandstone, beneath the milky way that stretches from horizon to horizon, the desert sky is full of twinkling stars. There are no man-made lights anywhere in sight, which is a shame because if there were I could find my way back to camp. I hope MR comes looking for me; again. Note to self: Bring emergency flare gun the next time I am sent to the “time out” rock.

Our fall vacation here outside of Moab, Utah, continues to be wonderful with temps now reaching 80 degrees and no wind. We have been taking in the national parks such as Arches and Canyonlands which is where we were today. We have also been doing a bit a cycling on the slick rock. I have fallen off my bike head first, over the back, sideways and even managed to imprint my own bike's tire tracks across my forehead, a first according to the doc at the ER. The other mt. bikers in the campground have generously taken up a small collection to buy me a set of training wheels or maybe just a tricycle. MR, of course, has made friends with the Specialized Racing Team and hangs out with them most of the time.

The vistas in this this part of the country are astonishing and we are surprised every time we come here. Yesterday we drove the Castle Valley loop that took us from the Colorado River to the La Sal mountains. From red sand and towering cliffs to aspen trees turning gold with snow right above. If you have not been here you might want to plan a visit.

Well, I see MR's flashlight in the distance coming my way. I hope it is her anyway, and not a hungry, tech savvy coyote. I am using the computer's backlit screen to signal her. Maybe she has some cookies in her pocket.

I will stop writing for now and attempt to get back to the safety of the Chalet camper. MR and I hope all is well with you and that you're having outdoor adventures of your own!

PS: I have developed the 4 O's of Camping Survival: Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos, and Oreos. I am sending this tip to The North Face company.