Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dispatch 34

Field Notes - Dispatch 34 – Trout Camp – Boulder Mountains, Idaho, USA

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Greetings, Fellow Adventurers!

After concluding our kayak tour of the Teton National Park lakes we transitioned home, reconfigured the mountain gear, and one week ago established our season here at Trout Camp 2017. It has been a week of disappointment for this years freshman fishing class. As a consequence of last winters enormousness snow fall the streams are still high and the trout scarce to none existent. Everyday the regions professional guides come to me for guidance and reassurance. I tell them in a fatherly manner that the life of a true fly-fisherman is fraught with disappointment and not only that but sometimes there is not a thing you can do about. This is called hard luck. I tell them that at these crossroads of life you can chose the dark path of natural philosophy, give up fly fishing and become a birder and perhaps study wild flowers or, as I have done, build large camp fires each evening and, in a humble manner, prefect your own gin and tonic recipe while gazing up at the milky way. My course of action will not necessarily bring the trout back but it will dull the pain. Well, at least until an burning ember falls on your nylon pants they instantly catch on fire. My pants on fire seems to be this summers reoccurring theme.

So life goes on as it often does. Why the sad face. We are, after all, camped in a wonderful forest meadow next of an trout stream reading, napping, and eating. Life could be worse.

On the more sophisticated side of things we have been attending the Sun Valley Symphony. So far it has been a program of Russian composers. Now, as you know, I am not a fan of the red commies that stole our nations last presidential election and these composer chaps, while not being commies, were no barrel of laughs. Apparently they composed very sad symphonies to commemorate their impending departure to a Siberian stalag or because their best fishing pal just committed suicide for pretty much the same reason. Not many toe tapping tunes with that crowd. Where is Gershwin and his American In Paris when you need a bit of cheering up?

Well, as you can see I am a bit down in the dumps. Wouldn’t you be if you were contemplating going to a lake and fishing with bait just so you could see a trout? Yes you would be. I know you. MR seems to be taking all of this disappointment in stride, as usual, and loves the Ruskie composers. One can only wonder when patriotism fell out of fashion. Anyway, she is having a great time and while sympathetic toward the freshman class she honestly believes they will get over it. It only it were so. I am afraid we my be on the brink of losing a whole class of fly casters if thing don’t improve soon.
Well, that is all I the ink I can put to paper tonight. It is difficult to write through tear filled eyes now what I am thinking of all those poor little fly casters. It is enough to break even a Russian’s cold heart.

I hope your summer adventures including landing more trout than mine. I will watch the streams and keep you posted on the flow projections.

Over and out.