Dispatch 51
Rose Cottage, Idaho
August 20, 2021
Greetings, Fellow Adventurers!
We have returned from this summer’s Trout Camp--three adventurous weeks in the rugged Boulder Mountains, practicing my camp craft and survival skills. Fortunately, we had some nice rain showers and cloudy weather to keep the high temperatures somewhat in check. You may have heard we have been having a hot spell out here in the west. Scout has made matches off limits to me, so the forest is significantly more safe.
Speaking of matches, did I tell you that I burnt off some weeds this spring? I got finished, thought I had the fire dead out, and went in for my lunch. After I had my sandwich and chips, I looked out the window and started wondering where the smoke was coming from. I jumped up, ran outside and saw that I had set my own fence on fire. As you know, such events are not that unusual in my life, but all summer my pals have been ribbing me. Oh well, live and learn.
You are probably wondering how the fishing in Trout Camp was this season. Honestly, it was terrible. Very little water in the streams, and what was there was too warm for the trout. I did not catch enough fish to feed a hungry cat. I sure hope we get a good snow season this winter.
The garden here at the cottage is doing well. We have lots of tomatoes and other green stuff that Scout makes me eat. I tell her real men live on jerky and beer, but I am coerced into eating a salad every day. She says it is good for me. I say pastries are good for me. We agree to disagree.
Speaking of pastries, a favorite topic of mine, I made my first peach cobbler two days ago and boy was it good. I picked the peaches from a pal’s tree and went to work. The depth of my culinary skills continues to surprise people. Of course, my having any skills at all surprises people.
Now that the temps are trending down, I am thinking about starting up my Dutch oven cooking parties again. I will get out the old iron pots and then raid the neighbor's chicken coop late at night. We will all eat out on the sawhorse tables under the trees in the backyard. It is always lots of fun until the Old Trout Whiskey runs out and then things either taper down and people go home or a big fist fight explodes and the police drop by. Good old Idaho folks!
Say, did you hear that a big part of Oregon wants to join up with Idaho?
Apparently, Oregon politics are too liberal for them and they like the conservative politics of Idaho better. I suppose that would be OK, but with all the Californians moving to Idaho, they may be in for a surprise. Personally, it is all the same to me. Seems like the regular folks always get kicked in the pants regardless of who is in charge.
Well, it is about time for my afternoon reading time (nap) and I cannot pass that up. I hope you are all well and looking forward to your Covid booster shot. I know I am. There are lots of adventures in the future and I don’t want to miss any of them.
-Your pal, Old Trout