Thursday, November 07, 2019

High Seas Adventure

Greeting Fellow Adventures,

This is a telegram to let you know about our next adventure.  One week from today we will get on a big silver bird and fly to San Diego for two days of exploration.  Then we walk up the gang plank to the deck of a sailing ship and report to the captain for duty. I have purchased a white sailor suit from the army/navy store and have been practicing my sailor salute.

Here is info about the sailing ship.  It is called the SS Eurodam, as is in, "why won't the damn engines start?"

Once we have sailed our heading will be due South to the tropical lands for some real jungle exploring.  (See Attached Itinerary).  We have already shipped wooden crates of jungle equipment and firearms to the dock, and they are being loaded aboard as I write this.  Machetes, pith helmets, rifles, jungle clothing, snake boots, and mosquito netting, are just a few items included in our stores.

Of course, as always, the biggest concern is my personal safety.  I am very worried about contracting malaria, yellow fever, and acid reflux.  In addition, there are also the atmospheric concerns such as hurricanes, typhoons, water spouts, and the Bermuda Triangle.  I cannot even think about pirates and sharks.

This adventure is all Scout's idea, and she assures me I will be all right.  I have heard this many times before and have invariably ended up injured or incarcerated through no fault of my own.  I am sure this adventure will be no exception.

Unfortunately, this may be the last message you ever hear from me.  If I am buried at sea, you can divide up my stuff and carry on.

Over and out for now, possibly forever.
 Image result for sailing ship in storm vintage explorers