Sunday, May 17, 2020

Old Trout in the Garden

Scene: A perky female neighbor walks by Old Trout's front yard.

Neighbor:  "Hi Old Trout, what are you doing on your knees in the grass?"
OT: "I am working on the sprinkling system, again."
N: "Is that something you enjoy?"
OT: "No."
N: "Do you always become saturated with water and encased in mud?"
OT: "Yes and Yes."
N: "Are you good at it?"
OT: "No."
N: "Why do you do it?"
OT: "I believe it is penance for my sins in a previous life."
N: "That would not surprise me."

Trowel flies through air, missing perky female neighbor by a whisker, embedding itself in a tree that, of course, needs water.

Screen fads out.